Thursday, November 7, 2013
Stand tall and be fearless
Saturday, April 28, 2012
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
Honestly if they were your friends they wouldn't be doing this. Even if you didn't do anything they may still think of a way to say what you did. I have had trouble with my friends all throughout high school. But I got over it because I knew that I would get over it. Sure there are sometimes when I feel lonely but you have to find the people that you always want to tell things to. And it obvious that these people aren't it. I am going to tell you life goes on.You'll be fine. You'll get over it eventually, and it'll make you a better person because of it. Because you will try and find the right people to be friends with. It takes time, but always remember, if you can find one good friend in life who you can tell anything to, you're so lucky. Just remember it'll take time. And trust me you'll be fine I promise.
i have your problem too, but i have 2 ppl i can talk to
i dont talk to my friends who ignore me
if they ignore me, i ignore them.
remember, treat people the way you want to be treated.
if they ignore you, ignore them back
just make new friends even tho its hard
the 2 ppl i talk to are my new friends
People are like that. Trust me, we've all been there and done that. My advice to you is to ignore them back. If they ever try to talk to you just don't talk to them. Don't make it seem like you're desperate. In a way to make new friends, try to pen-pal someone online. There's a great website if you just search "pen-pal for kids". Also, sit with someone new at the lunch table. Try to blend in. That way if your new friends dump you, you can always say you have friends with your other pen-pals around the world. Hope this helps!
Stand up to them and ask them what the problem is. When friends ignore you, I personally think it's immature because you do have the right to know what is going on.
If they don't want to tell you, well...find some new friends. Easier said than done, but you don't deserve people like that and time is too short to mess around worrying about people like that.
you just keep going and remember in your life that in the end they are really just people whom you know . someday you will have a quality friend you are looking for but right now it really does not matter its just one of those things. dont worry about it focus on family / friends later
Do the same in return!!
I have a couple of them! They were only nice to get the low down on my past and life. I guess because I haven't had a great one, I'm not good enough to flow in their circle.
Who cares..........move on, ignore them too! They're not even worth our time.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Bookoholic...are you??
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Miles to go before I sleep....

Monday, July 25, 2011
Confessions to Him

Dear Him,
Oh several times I've thought
to tell you how I feel,
but today is the chance I've got
to break that restrictive seal.
I wish I could tell you
how much you mean to me,
just like the sandy shore
which completes the sea.
Sometimes I wonder why do you care?
Or do I even deserve this share?
But all of those times you are there
to make me believe that everything is fair.
So today I would like to tell you that
its your support,care and affection
along with those bundles of laughter and chit-chat,
that has taken me a little closer to perfection.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I have a dream!

I have a dream,
A dream where we are together,
You and me …
in our world of love and laughter.
Our world though little
Seems heaven to me,
A utopian place it is for us
Just like the azure sky for the birds flying free.
Yes you are the one,
I feel at peace to be with.
And the one you are,
who can never care less not even a ton.
All I wish today is for the dream to come true,
The beautiful world of you and me could never be bidden adieu.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Perfectionist Aamir Khan…a little imperfect this time!
Well it all starts with “potty” in our very own dilli and hence the name DELHI-BELLY!! The movie revolves around the lives of three luchha Delhi guys.
- Tashi aka Imran Khan , a journalist by profession, is soon to tie the knot with his oh-so-hot girlfriend Soni aka Shenaz Treasury, whose hello tune surely doesn’t fail to reflect her bellyaching nature!;)
- Arun aka Vir Das aka “The Cartoonist” has nothing better to do than increasing the smile percentage of a banana (drawn by him) as per the orders given by his ban-gaali boss!
- Nitin aka Kunal Roy Kapoor is a serious loose motion se pereshan guy! Had he not been a photographer, he wd hv surely been the tees maar khan!
Soni gets the job of sending a dibba from a gora Vladmir to some Delhi-based gunde without actually knowing what’s inside the dibba! After this dibba reaches Tashi’s room, true shit starts happening! Serious loose-potty se pereshan Nitin ’s stool test bottle and the moolyawan dibba get exchanged, dibba pathological lab ke andar aur stool test bottle gunde ke ghar! The story simply narrates how the shit finally gets flushed out! But wait…should I take back the word “story”? Delhi-Belly doesn’t really have a story to narrate..kahani kehni thi toh kah di types! And is it truly capable of giving one a belly laugh??Nah…..gaalis can be fun to listen to .. but hasne haasane ke kuch aur tarike hote hai! An overall fun-to-watch movie but die-hard fans of Aamir Khan surely expect a lot more from him!!